Our Online Environment

Course Structure

  • Our courses are semestered, following a 16-week module structure
  • Courses provide flexibility for students to work at their own pace, though they are expected to work in the same week as the rest of the class. 
  • This is their asynchronous learning, punctuated by "live" synchronous learning that will be scheduled by instructors

Courses are delivered through the online platform, CANVAS, enabling a hybrid model of online and in-person learning. Online students benefit from one hour of scheduled live instruction per week for each course, with the lessons being recorded to allow for flexible scheduling. In-person students receive two days of face-to-face instruction each week. 

Canvas LMS

Our Canvas LMS (Learning Management System) is one of the fastest-growing platforms in the world, largely because of its:

  • Ease of use
  • Media-rich environment
  • Adaptability

Students report a high level of satisfaction with our program!

Our courses have been developed and taught by professional, caring, and supportive faith-filled teachers. 

We are committed to supporting and engaging with our students to ensure their success and we look forward to working with you. 

Canvas for Parents and/or Guardians

Canvas (LMS) has created the Canvas Parent App for parents and/or guardians can support their Canvas learners. As a Parent/Guardian you can: 

  • View Due Dates
  • Read instructions 
  • Check calendar 
  • Communicate with teachers

Search Elk Island Catholic Schools Catholic Schools- Parents in the App store. For further directions and information regarding Canvas Parent check out: