Chesterton Course Catalogue


*CSN denotes a Chesterton Academy (Chesterton Schools Network) Course

CSN English 10-1/20-1/30-1

(5 Credits)

In the academic stream of English Language Arts, students are invited to explore the great works of literature as a means of discovering truth, beauty, and the human experience. Rooted in the Catholic tradition, we recognize literature as a powerful tool for shaping moral and intellectual growth. G.K. Chesterton reminds us that “literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity,” and through our studies, we see how stories shape our understanding of God, ourselves, and the world.

Students will study, in depth, a variety of literary genres including modern drama, the short story, the novel, Shakespearean drama, film, essay, and poetry. We also integrate classical education, emphasizing time-honored works that have shaped Western thought and culture, including works from Homer, Dante, Plato, and Shakespeare. These texts provide students not only with a rigorous academic foundation but also with an opportunity to reflect on the enduring truths that transcend time.

As students progress, they are expected to respond critically and personally to these texts, with increasing complexity, preparing them for university-level study. A variety of writing, reading, and project-based assignments are designed to strengthen both comprehension and communication skills, equipping students to engage with the world thoughtfully and articulately.

This academic stream is a challenging course designed for students aiming to gain university entrance. Students who wish to register in this stream should have achieved a 65% or higher in English 9 and a 60% or higher in their high school prerequisite courses (see chart below). At the 30-1 level, students will be required to write a two-part Provincial Diploma, which will account for 30% of their final mark.

Through these studies, we seek not only to prepare students for academic success but also to nurture their ability to discern and appreciate the beauty and wisdom that literature offers, all within the framework of a Catholic worldview.



CSN English 10-2/20-2/30-2

(5 Credits)

This functional stream of English Language Arts is designed for students who do not plan on attending university or for students who struggle with the course content of English Language Arts. A variety of literature, print, and visual texts will be studied in order to further develop students’ reading and writing skills. Students may be able to use this course for SPECIFIC post-secondary entrance. At the 30-2 level, students will be required to write a two-part Provincial Diploma worth 30% of their final mark.




CSN Mathematics -1  (10C, 20-1, 30-1)

(5 Credits)

Do you want to study mathematics or sciences at a university, college, or technical institute and go on to a related career? This route is for students who plan on entering post-secondary programs such as engineering, mathematics, sciences, some business studies, or other programs that require advanced math skills. This sequence is a co-requisite for Mathematics 31 and may be required for post-secondary calculus courses.



Mathematics 31 (Calculus)

(5 credits)

Mathematics 31 emphasizes the theoretical and practical development of topics in the algebra of functions, trigonometry, differential calculus and integral calculus up to a standard acceptable for entry into all first-year programs in mathematics, science, engineering and business. The course is designed to bridge the gap between the Mathematics 10-20-30 course sequence and the calculus course sequences offered by post-secondary institutions.


CSN Mathematics -2  (10C, 20-2, 30-2)

(5 Credits)

Do you want to attend a university, college, or technical institute after high school, but do not need calculus skills? This route is for students who plan on studying at the post-secondary level in diverse fields, including arts programs, some engineering technologies, medical technologies, and some apprenticeship programs. This path will fulfill most students’ needs. Mathematics -2 is designed with a great deal of flexibility, so that the student may switch sequences in Grade 11 or 12 if his or her interests change.



Mathematics -3  (10-3, 20-3, 30-3)

(5 Credits)

Are you interested in learning the mathematics needed to enter most trades or will you be entering the work force          after high school? This route is for students who plan to apprentice in a trade or enter the work force directly after high school. It is designed to meet the entrance requirements for apprentices in most trades programs.

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CSN Science 10/20/30

(5 Credits)

Science 10, 20, and 30 are general science courses intended for students who want to study science without specialization. They combine the study of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics into one course. All students must take Science 10; from here they can continue on in Science 20 and 30, or specialize into Biology, Chemistry, and/or Physics. These courses are recommended for students who plan on attending university, college, and select technical school programs. Students should earn a 55% in Science 9 and a 60% in high school prerequisite courses to continue in this course sequence (see chart below). All 30-level courses in this academic course stream have a Provincial Diploma worth 30% of the final grade.


Science 14/24

(5 Credits)

Science 14 and 24 concentrate on hands-on and practical science concepts. These courses are geared for students who do not plan on attending university, but will be entering trade schools and select college programs, and for students entering the work force directly from high school. This route satisfies the requirements for a high school diploma but does not have a Provincial Diploma Exam at the conclusion of the program.


CSN Biology 20/30

(5 Credits)

Biology is a natural science that delves into the intricate study of life and living organisms. From the smallest cells to vast ecosystems, students explore the structure, function, growth, and diversity of life, uncovering the beauty of God's creation in every detail. Through the lens of faith, we see how science and religion coexist, deepening our appreciation for the complexity and harmony of life as part of God's divine plan.

In Biology 20 and Biology 30, students engage with topics such as ecosystems and populations, human systems, cellular processes, reproduction and development, genetics, and the nervous and endocrine systems. These studies not only fulfill academic requirements but also encourage students to reflect on the sanctity of life and our responsibility as stewards of God's creation.

These courses are foundational for students seeking to pursue further education in fields such as general sciences, dental assisting, kinesiology, nursing, physiotherapy, medicine, and radiation technology. Grounded in faith, students are prepared to bring both scientific knowledge and Christian compassion to their future vocations, serving others with skill and integrity in health care and the sciences.


CSN Physics 20/30

(5 Credits)

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions, offering us a deeper understanding of the natural laws that govern creation. Through the study of physics, students not only investigate how things work but also marvel at the order and precision with which God has designed the universe. As G.K. Chesterton once wrote, "The world will never starve for want of wonders, but only for want of wonder." Physics encourages us to maintain that sense of wonder as we explore the intricacies of God's creation.

Physics 20 and Physics 30 are ideal for students with a strong mathematical background and a desire to explore the principles that underlie the physical world. These courses encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and a spirit of inquiry, which reflect the harmony between faith and reason.

For those pursuing post-secondary education in fields such as power engineering, ultrasound and x-ray technology, engineering, and medicine, Physics 20 and 30 lay a solid foundation. As students apply their knowledge of physics in future careers, they are called to use their talents to serve others, recognizing the presence of God in both the complexities of science and the care they bring to their work.


CSN Chemistry 20/30

(5 Credits)

Chemistry provides a structured approach to understanding the nature of matter, relying on observation and evidence through laboratory discovery and coursework. It allows us to explore the elements that make up our world, revealing the intricate design of creation. As we study the science of fizz, pop, flame, and BOOM, we see how God's wisdom is reflected in the smallest particles of matter and the vast laws that govern their interactions.

In Chemistry 20 and Chemistry 30, students dive into topics such as bonding, gases, solutions, acids and bases, titration, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, equilibrium, and organic chemistry. These studies not only ignite curiosity but also inspire a deeper appreciation for the Creator's craftsmanship in the world around us.

Chemistry 20 and 30 are ideal for students who plan to pursue science-based fields such as animal studies, IT and electronics, engineering, nursing, the sciences, and various trades. As students engage with the principles of chemistry, they are called to use their knowledge to serve humanity and safeguard the world God has entrusted to us, applying their skills to improve the lives of others.


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Science Options!

Forensic Science 25

(3 Credits)

Pre-requisite: Science 10, 14, or 24

This course explores topics such as: Types of crime scene evidence, fingerprint, trace evidence, and bodily fluid analysis, DNA evidence in investigating and prosecuting crimes, document analysis in investigating and prosecuting crimes, polygraph testing, impaired driving and blood alcohol testing.


Forensic Science 35

(3 or 5 Credits)

Prerequisite: Forensic Science 25

Forensic Science 35 explores topics such as: The investigative process, law enforcement equipment and police canines, criminal profiling, forensic anthropology, and forensic entomology, forensic toxicology, arson, explosives, and ballistics, footwear, tire, and tool mark impressions.

History (Social Studies)

Social Studies 10-1/20-1/30-1

(5 Credits)

In the academic stream of Social Studies students will acquire, analyze, and evaluate information about the history of the world beginning with the Age of Discovery to the Modern day through the lens of globalization, nationalism, and ideologies. Students will be trained to apply this material to many different examinations in preparation for post-secondary programs. Students will gain an appreciation for the greater world issues and gain an in-depth knowledge of how these issues affect their lives and society. Students are expected to work through the content at a higher standard, and emphasis will be placed on the ability to create and defend a position with evidence and understanding of the course content. There will be an emphasis on formal humanities-style writing. Students should earn a 65% in Social 9 and a 60% in high school prerequisite   courses in order to continue in this course stream (see chart below). Social Studies 30-1 includes a Diploma Exam worth 30% of the final mark.


Social Studies 10-2/20-2/30-2

(5 Credits)

This functional stream of Social Studies is taught in a manner that is more accessible for students that are less interested in Social Studies or do not plan on attending university or select college programs. This stream is geared mainly for students attending select college programs or technical school programs, and for students entering the work force directly after high school. The information and class content is very similar to that of the Social Studies -1 stream, however the evaluation of the curriculum is different and the study of material is less intense. This stream offers students a diploma route that emphasizes hands-on learning, more oral discussion, and a de-emphasis on rigorous exams and formal writing. Social Studies 30-2 includes a Diploma Exam worth 30% of the final mark.



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Theology and Philosophy

Religious Education 15

(3 Credits)

The aim of this course is to assist students, with the help of the Gospel, to participate as Christians in the shaping of our culture. The program explores major cultural issues from a Christological perspective. Beginning with their own life experiences, students acquire a deeper and more systematic knowledge of themselves, Christ’s message, and the Church. Connections between the Church and contemporary culture are explored in terms of what it means to be a responsible adolescent disciple developing as a member of a Catholic Christian community while living within the context of a broader culture


Religious Education 25

(5 Credits)

This course invites students to deepen their relationship with Jesus through a prayerful study of Scripture. Students will explore the Jewish historical, religious, and cultural world into which the Messiah was born and the Old Testament covenants fulfilled. Using the Gospels as primary sources, the course explores Jesus’ birth, early life, and ministry; his preaching of the Kingdom of God; his teachings and miracles. It focuses on the events of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension – looking to their central significance in the Church’s understanding of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.


Religious Education 35

(5 Credits)

This course challenges students to understand themselves as moral persons called to discipleship by living the way of Christ. Through an examination of ethical theories, the revelation of sacred Scripture, and the lived experience and teaching of the Catholic Church, the course invites students to mature as active participants in their faith. At the heart of catechesis is the human search for happiness as the completion of the superabundant love of God. This course encounters the tension between the revelation of God’s love to humankind and explores our response through human reason - particularly in the areas of freedom, justice, human relations, ecology, reconciliation, community and political life.


Grade 10 Philosophy

For millennia man has grappled with life’s deepest questions. Is the soul immortal? How should a human society be governed? What things actually exist? What is virtue? These questions and many more were first posed in recorded history by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and the world has never been the same since. This course invites students to enter the discussion in the quest for what is True, Good, and Beautiful. Indeed, the thought of Plato and Aristotle sets the stage for not only Roman and Medieval culture but all of Western civilization. Through dialogue and lecture students are challenged to apply the philosophic tools of their freshman course as they ponder the fascinating thought world of virtue and vice, citizen and slave, politics and religion, the material world and the immortal soul.

Grade 11 Philosophy

Are faith and reason really at odds? Scholastic philosophers didn’t think so and it was during this age that the greatest synthesis was achieved between religion and philosophy – faith and reason. Not until later, around the birth of early modern philosophy, were the seeds planted for the contemporary divorce between faith and reason. Building upon the first two philosophy courses, Philosophy 11 continues the quest for truth by studying the influential works such as those of Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Niccolò Machiavelli, René Descartes, and Thomas Hobbes. By studying the scholastic works, especially those of Thomas Aquinas, new avenues of inquiry are opened by faith, seeking understanding in the Church’s most successful philosophical tradition, medieval scholasticism. As students move to the early modern philosophers, they encounter the foundation of modern political theory, the beginning of scientific skepticism, and the modern philosophic project in general.

Grade 12 Philosophy - Philosophies of Man 30 


1. to develop the process of critical examination
2. to integrate or orient oneself toward the various phases of human experience
3. to open up the wide range of problems and deal with vital questions of human interest
4. to appreciate the attempts of great philosophers
to provide coherent and consistent answers to fundamental questions
5. to think about the basic foundations of one’s outlook, knowledge and beliefs
6. to understand that “Man has the ability to examine his life; without that he is nothing.”

1.* What philosophy is
2.* The need for philosophy
3. The nature of man
4. How free is man
5. Man and man (political philosophy)


Chesterton Academy students must take two Latin courses before they progress to either a) advanced Latin or b) French

CSN Latin 10/20/30

(5 Credits)

The Latin language program has been designed to develop reading proficiency in the language of the ancient Romans, as well as introducing the student to the history of that civilization. The program assumes no prior second-language experience and gradually introduces the student to Latin grammatical features. Traditionally held as good preparation for the studies of Law and Medicine, Latin also provides a sound basis for any of the biological sciences, the humanities, linguistics, and logic. Research also suggests that Latin study can increase performance in English reading and writing. A historical/cultural component further introduces the student to one of the key sources of Western society. Note: each of Latin 10, 20, and 30 is offered as a language course for 5 credits.

There are two Latin programs: a 4-Year program for those who begin in Grade 9, and a 3-Year program for those who begin in Grades 10, 11, or 12.  For example, a student taking first year Latin in their Grade 10 or 11 year would enroll in Latin I (3Y), while a student in Grade 10 who took Latin I (4Y) in Grade 9 would in fact enroll in Latin II (4Y).  Both are technically in a Latin 10 course, but one is the second year of a four-year cycle, and the other is in the first year of a three-year cycle.

French 10

Prerequisite: French 9

(5 Credits)

This course is designed for students who have elementary and junior high background in French. Students will engage in various language activities in structured contexts to develop fundamental written and oral skills. The focus is on comprehensible and accurate usage of verb tenses and vocabulary building.


French 20

Pre-requisite: French 10

(5 Credits)

Students will continue to use a multidimensional approach to develop knowledge of French vocabulary, grammar, and culture. Engaging in grade level specific language activities in structured contexts will enable all students to develop advanced written and oral skills. Themes include the senses and feelings, fads and fashions, close friends, and consumerism.


French 30

Pre-requisite: French 20

(5 Credits)

After having studied French through elementary, junior high, and high school, students will have the opportunity to put all of their knowledge into practice. Topics covered will include the world of work, travel and tourism, the role of the media, and conservation and the environment. Students will have many opportunities to practice communicating with one another through various forms of technology. Focus will be given to coherence in written and spoken forms as well as the conditional tense.



Fine Arts and Humanities Options

Chesterton Academy students must take at least one of Art or Music.


CSN Art 10/20/30

(3 or 5 Credits)

In Art, students will develop an appreciation and understanding of design, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, stained glass, and art history. Students will learn the fundamentals of art and will have the opportunity to explore a variety of art making mediums, techniques, and styles. Art 20 and 30 encourages students towards greater proficiency and self-expression through visual media. Budding artists are encouraged to develop their own personal style through research and practical studio work. Originality of design and idea are emphasized with a personal portfolio of work which serves as the final product for the course.  Throughout, students will learn Art History.


CSN Music 10/20/30

(3 or 5 Credits)

In Music, students learn music history and appreciation, and earn high school credits through some formation in either vocal or instrumental music, often pursued privately.  Students participate in the course and submit proof of study to the instructor.

Creative Writing 15

(3 credits)

Creative writing is designed to immerse students in writing, focusing first on the characteristics that make up various genres through reading and writing in those genres. Students will engage in a workshop format, exploring a process which is both creative and collaborative. Throughout the course, students will keep reflective journals that document their awareness of the process of writing, revising, and editing. By the end of the course, they will produce “final drafts”, samples from their working portfolio, and one showcase piece. At higher levels, students will work on longer forms of fiction and/or compilations of shorter forms, with some exploration of publication markets and processes. This should be a blast. That is all. Students who enjoy creativity and language should sign up and try it out!


Classical Mythology 15

(3 Credits)

Mythology, particularly Greek mythology, stands as one of the cornerstones of Western art, whether it be poetry, sculpture, or drama. Students will study a survey of Greek myth: the Titans, the Wars of the Gods and Titans, Zeus and the Olympians, and the heroic tales (Hercules and Perseus). Throughout the course students will work through case studies of how classical mythology is incorporated into our culture, in language, or literary and artistic references. The study of Greek mythology is a valuable precursor to any serious study of the Humanities as well as being an interesting area of study for its own sake.

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Health and Wellness

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Career & Life Management (CALM 20)

 (3 Credits)

All high school students in Alberta are required to complete CALM 20 to earn a High School Diploma. The primary objectives of the course are to help the student to develop a positive self-concept and an understanding of personal interests, values, aptitudes, and abilities; to promote independent personal management by developing the ability to make choices and accept challenges; to develop an understanding of health as a resource for everyday living; to develop knowledge about career options; to develop the ability to deal with feelings; and to develop an awareness of sexuality, its implications and the choices related to it.


Physical Education 10

(3 or 5 Credits)

This course places an emphasis on developing and refining skills of familiar sports as well as an introduction to unique recreational games. Attention is given to the basis of skill development and understanding strategies common to many different sports, and an examination of physical fitness practices and the theory behind them. Sportsmanship and respectful interaction between students, wellness, and active lifestyle concepts will also be covered.


Physical Education 20

(5 Credits)

The goal of the Physical Education 20 course is to enable students to further develop and master the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to lead an active, healthy lifestyle through a variety of activities in games, individual activities and alternative environments.


Physical Education 30

(5 Credits)

Successful completion of this course will prepare students for a life-long commitment to physical fitness and well-being. Completion will also prepare students for the challenges of post-secondary education in this field.


General Psychology 20

(3 Credits)

This course is designed to develop the understanding and skills that make it possible for more effective living in our complex environment. Attention will be focused on the social approaches to understanding human behaviour so that students may appreciate more fully the reasons that underlie their own actions and the actions of others. Topics of study include personality, behaviour, intelligence, influences on behaviour, and understanding and perception. This course is designed as a basic introduction to the field of psychology.


Personal Psychology 20

(3 Credits)

This course is designed to develop the understanding and skills that make it possible for more effective living in our complex environment. Attention will be focused on the social approaches to understanding human behaviour so that students may appreciate more fully the reasons that underlie their own actions and the actions of others. Topics of study include the history of psychological schools of thought, principles of learning, process of thinking, facing frustration and conflict, emotional problems, behaviour disorders, and career opportunities in psychology. This course is designed as a basic introduction to the field of psychology.


Abnormal Psychology 35

(3 Credits)

Prerequisite: General Psychology 20 OR Personal Psychology 20

This course is designed to provide an overview of abnormal behaviours and the conditions that affect individuals in our society. Topics of study include views of abnormality, casual factors, types of disorders, as well as assessment, prevention, and treatment.